In this article, you can discover:
- Whether a child can contribute to a custody decision in Maryland.
- The various methods used to bring in a child’s voice during a custody decision.
Can A Child Have Any Input Into A Custody Decision In Maryland?
A custody battle can be hard on everyone involved, especially children. While going through the process, it’s important to keep in mind what is best for the child and their future. In some cases, the child may be old enough to understand what is happening and have a say in what they want.
There are a few different ways that a child can end up having a say in a custody case in Maryland. One way is if the child is older, around 16 years old. The law doesn’t say that 16-year-olds get to decide where they live or what their custody situation is going to be, but older children may have more input than younger children.
Another way a child can have input in a custody case is through their parents. If you have a child over the age of 12 and are involved in a custody case, you may want to consider having the child’s voice heard. This can be done through various means, such as letting the child testify or writing a letter to the court.
However, a parent cannot speak on behalf of their child’s wishes. Instead, you can ask the court to speak with the child outside of the courtroom. This way, the child’s authentic wishes will be taken into consideration.
Can Children Testify In Maryland Family Court Proceedings?
No one wants to subject a child to the trauma of testifying in court, no matter how old they are. So, when a party plans to call a child as a witness, the judge is usually not thrilled. This is because most parties don’t want to put their child through such an ordeal, so they ask the judge to speak to the child in chambers.
A child’s voice can be heard in many ways, but one of the most effective is for the judge to agree to speak with the child in chambers. This conversation allows the judge to get to know the child and understand their likes and dislikes. The child can also share their favorite activities and things they like about each parent’s house. This information is vital in helping the judge make a decision that is in the best interest of the child.
Children are often seen by therapists or counselors to help them deal with various issues. In order to have the child’s therapist testify in court about the therapy progress and give recommendations, the child must have a special attorney appointed by the court who will determine if the child’s client confidentiality should be waived.
Another important way for a child’s voice to be heard in a divorce is through an attorney. In cases of abuse or neglect, appointing a Best Interest Attorney can ensure that the child’s needs are represented. This attorney acts on behalf of the child to make sure their best interests are kept in mind throughout any legal proceedings.
The “best interest attorney” is an attorney who represents the best interests of a child. This type of lawyer interviews the parties involved, the child, and witnesses and gathers medical records and information from therapists. If it is a young child, the best interest attorney’s job is to make a recommendation about what custody situation is in the best interest of the minor child.
A best interest attorney helps the court understand a child’s needs and preferences before making custody decisions. In gathering information, they may speak with the child, both parents, and other relatives or professionals involved in the child’s life. The best interest attorney then makes recommendations to the court about what would be in the child’s best interests, though the court is not required to follow these suggestions.
The final way for a child to potentially have a say in their own custody case is to be called as a witness and questioned in open court. This doesn’t happen often, but it is a possibility if the child’s testimony is deemed necessary.
If you’re considering taking your child to court, I recommend against it. Not only is it a traumatic experience for kids, especially if they’re young, but research shows that their testimony is often not credible. There are other legal options available that don’t involve putting your child through such an ordeal.
With the guidance of a skilled attorney for Custody Cases, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we’ll make it look easy.
For more information on Custody Cases in Maryland, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling
(443) 300-2335 today.

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